Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flying: Looking from above

"And not only does He know all things from a comprehensive, macro-perspective, He also knows everything in miniature, down to the tiniest detail." -Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Along the lines of what I was thinking when I peeked through one of the tiny windows of the airplane, on my way to Johannesburg; peering down on what seemed to be like miniature homes and vehicles, thinking how He could know every single detail of our lives, each and every one of us. Knowing about the death of a loved one years ago, the broken relationship with a distant father or the difficult break-up that wounded our hearts. Knowing our thoughts and our intentions, knowing as the psalmist states "our rising up and our sitting down." Before we came He knew us, for He knew us before the beginning of time.
"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!"

-Ponder on that, for He cares for you Beloved.


Throughout this blog I want to share with you my journey to Southern Africa and give some encouraging words; particularly sharing the goodness of the Lord and how gracious He is. I'm truly thankful to Him for this opportunity and I pray that you would be inspired as you read. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions that you may have about my experience, as I would love to share!!
I would like to first say a special thank you to my mother, grandmother and grandfather, my uncle and aunt, and Mr. Thurman Shelton for their financial support and Daniel for all of his help, I really appreciate it!!
Also thank you to all of my family and friends for your unfailing support...I LOVE YOU!!

I will try to write as often as possible...I have so much to share that I don't want to post all right now. But I will throughout my stay here in Africa.

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