Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lion's Park: The Beauty of it all, God's Creation

Victoria Falls

"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
-Ecclesiastes 3:11

Lion's Park in Botswana

One of the most enjoyable days thus far, spent at Lion's Park, an amusement-water park here in Botswana. Fun to see, kids splashing, holding on to their parent's hands, walking around on the hot pavement. The joyful cries of young and old as they play in the cool waters. The laughter, the happiness experienced by those involved in the park activities.Beautiful to see indeed, even more delightful to realize the goodness of the Lord, and how He's given us His original creations to enjoy from the ocean waters to water in an amusement park pool; from the sunshine, to the cool breezes on hot summer days. Being here reminds me that, it doesn't matter where we are on earth; whether, in southern Africa experiencing the beauty of massive game reserves habitated by animals only seen in pictures, or the beauty of the Grand Canyon in north America. I'm constantly reminded that He is always with us, its so evident through His creation. I can't help but wonder the beauty we will see once we arrive at Victoria Falls next week, which is known as one of the seven "wonders" of the world. Perhaps considered a wonder because of its indescribable beauty, something that the hands of man did not carve; instead it was created by the Master Designer, God. "Oh how Great is our God!"

Question: You ever hear the saying you should "stop to smell the roses?" Well I encourage you to stop and enjoy the Majesty of God through His BEAUTIFUL'll be glad you did it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Precious ones: Botswana's S.O.S Orphanage

"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me." -Matthew 18:5

"Teacher! Teacher!," they said with their hands outstretched as we walked into the classroom, full of precious ones. It melted my heart, honestly my eyes watered some.

The principle, Ms. Cathy, shared with us her contribution to the orphanage when she first began. "It was dead when I first came, lifeless," specifically describing the school's condition.She told us about the colorful curtains she sewn and the little things she made to add beauty. As we toured the school, the "lifelessness" she talked about almost seemed non-existent, as the walls were full of vibrant hues of yellow, reds, blues, and browns. Painted murals of happy child-like characters, danced about the building; created by a former S.O.S student, the paintings became my favorite. So next week I begin and I'm so excited to start working with these children, I pray that God will prepare me for the work ahead and that His love will continue to penetrate this orphanage. In fact that was what I felt the most, His love and how  He provides for the needs of these children through various individuals. So I say, let us remember how important children are to God, the orphans, as it says in James...
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

Please pray for the children of the S.O.S Orphanage in Botswana, that they may come to the knowledge of Him. God bless :-)