Something changed inside me
Broke wide open all spilled out
Till I had no doubt that something changed
Every word I believed in
Until I felt it in my own heart, in the deepest part,
the healing came.
Something so amazing in a heart so dark and dim
when the walls fall down and the light comes in.
-Sara Groves
I never thought He would have brought me this far. So many open doors, I'm almost overwhelmed.
Tomorrow I will meet with a local pastor to sit in on a meeting about empowering women within the community...I'm so excited for this opportunity because I plan to do my research on the women in Gaborone and their role within the region. It will be interesting to learn about the social woes that impact the "batswana" women. I'm still praying for His continual guidance during my stay here. Its only been a week and I already feel Him changing me; which takes me to my next thought..of completely submitting to Him, regardless of the circumstance. No matter how hard the situation is we must realize that He is still in control...something that I'm continually learning. As some of you may know, I experienced many difficulties before arriving here...I really did not think that I would be here, I had to say "okay Lord this is in Your hands." Yes it was hard but as mentioned in the previous post, He knows us and He knows the end from the miniature to the macro. So finally I say to you why not follow His plan for your life? As Paul says,
"I appeal to You therefore brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, living and holy and acceptable to God." -Romans 12:1
You see when you completely submit to Him, you will be CHANGED, instead of your will it becomes His.
Allow Him to change you beloved, you'll be amazed...I can truly testify that I'm in awe of what He has done.
Until next time...